News & Events

Visit to ASTM

ASTM International visit

Last week, the MRC visited ASTM International in Conshohocken, PA, for a workshop that was part of Drexel’s 2015 Summer Standards Institute. ASTM International, formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards. Today, some 12,000 ASTM standards are used around the world to improve product quality, enhance safety, facilitate market access and trade, and build consumer confidence.

News & Events

Call for Papers: 14th International Conference on Ontology, Database, and Applications of Ontology (ODBASE 2015)

Dr. Yuan An, a professor at CCI and core researcher at the MRC, is chairing the 14th International Conference on Ontology, Database, and Applications of Ontology (ODBASE 2015): The following is a list of important dates for the conference:
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News & Events

Welcome to New Dryad Assistant Curators

Two CCI master’s students will be joining the Dryad curation team: Miralee Schulte and Sri Valluripalli. Miralee is a master’s student enrolled in the MSLIS program at CCI with a concentration in digital libraries, and has a background in textiles and public library reference. Sri is a master’s student in the Information Systems program at CCI and brings a rich experience in software and application development.
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News & Events

Metadata in the Metropolis: Over 70 participants at Drexel’s Metadata Research Center Launch

Metadata in the Metropolis logo with Philadelphia skyline

Attendees included researchers, faculty, students, participants from industry, Drexel alumni, and staff from area institutions. The event kicked off with a welcome from Alice B. Kroeger Professor and director of the Metadata Research Center, Jane Greenberg. College of Computing Dean David Fenske set the stage by highlighting significant challenges in today’s data intensive environment, noting the 4th Paradigm (Jim Grey). The event followed with a series of lighting talks and shout-it-outs highlighting research. The event concluded with a lively reception in the Metadata Research Center. Read more about the event here. Slides and presenter details follow below.
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News & Events

Metadata in the Metropolis

What: Metadata in the Metropolis – A celebration of metadata research at Drexel University and in the Philadelphia metro area
When/Where: April 2, 2015, 4:00-5:30, The Rush Building, Drexel University, Room 014, with reception to follow in the Metadata Research Center, Room 213. Link to map
Who: Metadata researchers – open to observers and active participants. (We welcome metadata enthusiasts, students, folks from academia, government, and industry!)
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News & Events

Metadata Monday webinar: The Discipline of Organizing

Robert J. Glushko, School of Information, University of California, Berkeley joined the MRC via a live webinar to talk about his new book, The Discipline of Organizing. This textbook seeks to unify these diverse perspectives about organizing with the concept of an organizing system, defined as an intentionally arranged collection of resources and the interactions they support. Click here to view his slides.