The SKOS-ification of the 1910 LCHS brought a lot of challenges that we documented to contribute to the case studies in digitization, encoding, programming, digitalization and metadata practices.
Finally I met my mentor, Peter Logan last Monday, and it was great to see him in person. In this meeting I presented the progress of the project and figured out that perhaps a TEI format would be a good data format for me to move forward. As pending action item, TEI format will be generated and provided by Peter.
Additionally, earlier today, LEADS-4-NDP 1-minute madness was held. I presented the progress of the project to co-fellow and the LEADS-4-NDP advisory board.
In the past weeks, I was able to progress by co-authoring a paper with Jane Greenberg, Peter Logan and Joan Boone. We’re able to submit the paper entitled “SKOS of the 1910 Library of Congress Subject Heading for the Transformation of the Keywords to Controlled Vocabulary of the Nineteenth-Century Encyclopedia Britannica” to NKOS 2019 which will be held in Dublin Core Conference 2019 in South Korea on Sept 23 -26, 2019. We couldn’t wait the acceptance of the paper hoping that this research has a novelty in the field of Simple Knowledge Organization Systems (SKOS).
Title: Responsible Research Data Management Workshop
Date: March 31- April 1
Topic: Knowledge sharing between research committees and institutions. This workshop, co-sponsored by Drexel’s Metadata Research Center and CODATA, will feature invited speakers and an expert panel discussion, selected research and practice papers from an open call, a poster and lightning talks session, as well as workshop sessions on mechanisms for knowledge sharing and on issues of responsibility and sensitive data. To read the 2018 final report and action plan from the European Commission Expert Group on FAIR Data, entitled “Turning FAIR into Reality,” click here.
Paper Submission Deadline: Monday, March 4, 2019. Click here for submissions and registration links
To learn more, visit this link
On January 14, Carly Schanock, 2018/2019 LEADS-4-NDP project manager and MLIS graduate student, gave a presentation to the University of Pennsylvania’s STEM libraries detailing her project experiences. The presentation included topics such as:
To view this presentation, click here
BYOL (“Bring your own lunch”) gathering and informal discussion with Jacob Kramer-Duffield. Changes in the media landscape have led to changes in how media companies think about and measure their audiences. These changes have implications for what content is created, how audiences experience it, and how it is organized and found.
When: Thursday, January 11, 12:00-1:00 PM
Where: 231 Rush Building MRC (Metadata Research Center)