Sam Grabus and Jane Greenberg in Berlin, Germany
News & Events

Research Data Alliance 11th Plenary Meeting, Berlin, Germany

MRC Doctoral Student Sam Grabus and Dr. Jane Greenberg attended the Research Data Alliance (RDA) 11th Plenary Meeting at the at the bcc Berlin Congress Center in Berlin, Germany, from March 21st-23rd.

Sam Grabus and Jane Greenberg at RDA in Berlin, Germany
Sam Grabus and Jane Greenberg at RDA in Berlin, Germany

As a 2017-18 RDA Data Share Fellow, Sam presented her poster, entitled “Resources for Understanding the Data Sharing Landscape: Rights, Licensing, and Related Initiatives.” The poster and subsequent paper are a lay of the land for rights and licensing initiatives that seek to facilitate data sharing: rights management, licensing standardization, metadata, technological infrastructure, & community-driven efforts.

Sam Grabus laughing off her unfortunate poster printing experience.
Expectations vs. Reality: Sam Grabus laughing off her unfortunate poster printing experience.

Sam’s unfortunate poster-printing experience is both an amusing example of “expectations verses reality” and a lesson learned about opening your poster at the printer shop before leaving. For a more in-depth discussion of Berlin and the RDA Plenary, see here on Sam’s research blog.