Kio Polson, Information Science (IS), PhD student and member of the Metadata Research Center, Drexel University, recently presented a collaborative research paper, “Enhancing Semantic Interoperability Across MaterialsScience With HIVE4MAT,” at the Semantic Material Science (SeMatS) 2024 workshop in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The workshop was part of the SEMANTiCS 2024 conference, where academia and European companies come together to talk about some of the advances in technology that relates to the “Semantic Web,” and semantic systems more broadly. The conference was lively and included innovative ways to engage the community, including a “fish bowl” event where participants could self-select and self-excuse themself from the center of a circle to talk about the “utopia or dystopia of AI.”

HIVE4MAT is software that allows material scientists to explore and use ontologies and other controlled vocabularies to organize and manage their data and information resources. HIVE4MAT supports three key functions: browse, search, and automatic indexing, which are reviewed in the recent SeMatS paper. HIVE4MAT is based on the original HIVE “Helping Interdisciplinary Vocabulary Engineering” software, and targets materials science. Kio has been refactoring, improving, and adding features to the HIVE4MAT edition of the software.

To learn more about HIVE4MAT, you may also view Kio’s presentations at the Vocabulary Symposium in Canberra Australia, and Code4Lib 2024 conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan. You may also explore the HIVE4MAT demonstration at tool @ SeMatS publication is forthcoming in the SEMANTiCS 2024 Proceedings.