Doctoral students Sam Grabus and Amy Opalek traveled to Tallinn, Estonia, presented their research at the 11th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research, at Tallinn University, from November 28th to December 1st.

Sam’s paper, co-written with Jane Greenberg, is entitled “Toward a Metadata Framework for Sharing Sensitive and Closed Data: An Analysis of Data Sharing Agreement Attributes.“ This research presents a content analysis of a sample of data sharing agreements, to identify general categories of data sharing needs, along with the more specific attributes of the agreements. Sam also presented on current metadata-related progress, which seeks to take these agreement attributes and map them to existing metadata schemas, in order to develop a metadata framework that could communicate these specific data sharing needs.
Amy’s paper, also co-written with Jane Greenberg, is entitled “The Representation of Agents as Resources for the Purpose of Professional Regulation and Global Health Workforce Planning.” In order to address the need to confirm the qualifications of international health professional migrants, this paper presents a framework for defining health professionals as agents, represented as Access Point, Information Object, or Resource.

Both papers were also published in the Springer journal conference proceedings for the 11th International Conference, MTSR 2017, Tallinn, Estonia, November 28 – December 1, 2017 Proceedings.