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NCDS Webinar: Assessing the Impact of Software on Science Through Bootstrapped Learning in Full Texts

Erjia Yan, NCDS Data Fellow and Assistant Professor in the College of Computing and Informatics at Drexel University, gave a webinar during the NCDS Databytes webinar series.

Yan’s work focuses on the problem of discovering and assessing the impact of software by identifying referencing patterns and designing hybrid metrics to assess the full impact of software. Unlike current data repository indexing, this work strives to provide context-driven, full text data analytics for software in order to account for the unsystematic ways in which these products are referenced in scientific literature. Ultimately, Yan seeks to develop a system that will comprehensively capture the impact of digital outputs, including data and software, on knowledge production and innovation.

Check here to watch a recording of Erjia’s presentation: