Dr. Jane Greenberg, Director of the Metadata Research Center at Drexel University, will be giving the keynote next Tuesday, 3/31, at Metadata Madness NYC. Details about her talk are below.
KEYNOTE: Metadata Capital: Conceptual Understanding, Predictive Value
Metadata has a significant place in the cost/value paradigm. Researchers at the Metadata Research Center (MRC), College of Computing & Informatics at Drexel University, are at the forefront of studying metadata as an asset via the Metadata Capital Initiative. The keynote presentation will introduce the Metadata Capital Initiative to our industry and report highlights from work pursed with Self-Generated Health Information (think Fitbit!) and the National Institute for Environmental Health Science’s Viral Vector Core Laboratory. The session will also consider metadata capital implications for the media & entertainment industry as it relates to digital asset management. Attention will be given to metadata as a carrier of contextual knowledge, a valued product and service, and a quantifier of methods.
For the complete program, visit: http://www.metadatamadness.com/east2015/program/