The SILS/Metadata Research Center and the UNC Scholarly Communications Group hosted a special session with Lee Dirks of Microsoft.
PDF: The MSR Scholarly Communication Fact Sheet May09
Presentation: Transforming Scholarly Communication
Date/time/place: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 10:00-11:00 AM/UNC Manning Hall, Room 01
Abstract: Lee Dirks leads a team that serves as a critical link between academia and Microsoft product groups developing scholarly communication technologies. Their aim is to: (1) Optimize for data-driven research and science; (2) Enable broad community engagement through greater interoperability; (3) Help ensure that data storage is reliable and secure for the long term; (4) Build on existing community protocols, practices and guidelines; (5) Harness collective intelligence through social networking and intelligence through social networking and semantic knowledge discovery. Lee’s presentation will provide an overview of the recent accomplishments and work in progress with institutions around the world as well as our vision and some future plans.