Metadata Mixers are free, public events, and open to all. Our format varies (e.g., single presenter, multiple lightning talks, targeted discussion topic/s, field trips, etc.); and we always allocate time for open discussion, updates, and engagement. Metadata Mixers will regularly resume when we are back on campus.
Location: Upcoming Mixers and talks will be virtual, due to Covid-19. Please check below to register for a ZOOM link.
Date/Time/Location: selected afternoons, see below
If you do not have a Drexel ID, please email metadata: in advance of your attendances, so we can add to the check-in list at 3675 Market Street.
Spring 2022
Alice B. Kroeger Distinguished Lecture Series: Julianne Schneider
In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Metadata Research Center is proud to present a lecture from Julianne Schneider, as part of the Alice B. Kroeger Distinguished Lecture Series.
Presenter: Julianne Schneider, Senior Bioinformatics Analyst/Data Liaison, Sage Bionetworks
Date: Thursday, March 31st
Time: 12:00 PM EDT
Location: Zoom Registration Link
Participants must register in order to attend.
Title: Metadata: Attitude and Practice Change
To read more about the upcoming talk and presenter, please visit the Metadata Research Center press piece: LINK
Metadata Mixers , Winter 2021
February 15: Distinguished Lecture Series & LOVE Data Week: Marcia Zeng
Presenter: Dr. Marcia Zeng, Kent State University
Time: 11am- 12pm EST
Location: Zoom
Zoom Registration: LINK
Title: Ensuring the FAIRness of Metadata in the Open Data Mainstream— Requirements and opportunities
The Metadata Research Center is proud to present a lecture from Dr. Marcia Zeng (Professor in the School of Information at Kent State University) as part of the 2021 Distinguished Speaker Series and LOVE Data Week.
To read Dr. Zeng’s bio and presentation abstract, visit the MRC event page: LINK
Metadata Mixers , Fall 2020
Alice B. Kroeger Distinguished Lecture Series: James Briggs Murray
Presenter: James Briggs Murray, Founding Curator (1972-2009), Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division, Schomburg Research Center, The New York Public Library
Date: T.B.C.
Time: 4-5:30pm EDT
Location: Zoom Registration Link
Participants must register in order to attend.
Abstract: Jim will talk about establishing the Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division at New York Public Library’s Schomburg Center. He will discuss the mission of preserving the Global Black experience, with selected audiovisual clips. This presentation will also touch on initiating the Schomburg Center’s Oral History Program.
To read more about Jim, please visit the Metadata Research Center press piece: Link
Thursday, December 3, 2020: LEADS 2020 Extended Fellows
Presenters: LEADS 2020 Extended Fellows
Date: Thursday, December 3rd, 4-5:15pm EDT
Location: Zoom Registration Link
Participants must register in order to attend
Description: LEADS Fellows from 2020 will share their research findings. Presentation period will be about 45-50, followed by a Q & A session.
To read more about the LEADS program, visit the project website: Link
Metadata Mixers , Winter/Spring 2020
Thursday, July 16, 2020: Virtual Mixer
Time: 4pm EDT
Location: Zoom Registration Link
Presenters: Mark Phillips, Associate Dean for Digital Libraries at the UNT Libraries, & Hannah Tarver, Department Head in the Digital Projects Unit at the UNT Libraries*
Topic: Overview of Metadata Management Infrastructure for the UNT Libraries’ Digital Collections
Abstract: Over the past decade, the UNT Libraries have rapidly increased the amount of descriptive metadata managed in its Digital Collections, which includes The Portal to Texas History, the UNT Digital Library, and the Gateway to Oklahoma History. Currently, these systems comprise 2.7 million metadata records. To maintain this growing dataset, we have worked to implement tools, services, interfaces, and workflows that improve the metadata creation process. We have also been developing interfaces for understanding large collections of metadata and how well they conform to local standards. This presentation will discuss the components related to managing metadata, interfaces we have built to support metadata creation and enhancement, and tools that have been required to support this growing metadata ecosystem.
Thursday, June 11, 2020: Quarantine Catch-Up
Time: 4pm
Location: Zoom Registration Link
- Sam Grabus: Historical subject representation & the “Long S” [Slides]
- Winner: Winner: 2020 Lita/Ex Libris Student Writing Award [ALA Press Release]
- Vishal Deo/Prateek Goel: Exploratory Analysis on DataSar [Slides]
- Steve Dilliplane: Nature from Afar
- Jeremy Leipzig: Dichotomous Keys [Slides]
- Xintong Zhao: Accelerating Materials Discovery Using Information Extraction [Slides]
Topic: Quarantine Catch-Up: Participants will share 1-3 slides about their research/work accomplishments over the spring term, and/or goals for the summer.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020:
Time: 12-1pm
Location: 3675 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA
Room: 1056, 10th floor
Presenters: Dr. Chaomei Chen, CCI
Topic: CiteSpace: Research Metrics and Analytics
Abstract: CiteSpace is a visual analytic and science mapping tool for visualizing various trends and patterns in the literature of scholarly publications across a wide range of research disciplines. CiteSpace is designed to produce interactive visualizations of various networks and facilitate systematic scientometric reviews. I will introduce the key concepts and theories behind CiteSpace with exemplars of studies enabled by CiteSpace and demonstrate the core workflows of working with CiteSpace.
Monday, March 9, 2020: CCI Distinguished Lecture, with support from MRC
Time: 11am-12pm
Location: 3675 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA
Room: 9th floor, Room 913
Presenter: Michael Nelson
Topic: Web Archives at the Nexus of Good Fakes and Flawed Originals
Abstract: Read more
Register: Here
Metadata Mixers 2019
Wednesday, June 12:
Time: 12:30-1:30 PM
Location: 3675 Market Street,
University City Science Center,
CCI’s new location
ROOM: Dean’s conference room is #1039 (10th floor)
TOPIC: Metadata madness – accomplishments for the year, and/or goals for the summer.
Presenters: CCI PhD students, Cecilia Preston
ADDED FUN: A visit to the Metadata Research Center, now residing on the 11th floor of 3675 Market Street, joining AI (artificial intelligence) and data science [This is for guests outside CCI who may attend].
Winter 2019
Thursday, April 18:
Time: 11am
Location: The Quorum
3675 Market Street
2nd Floor, Q4B
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Presenter: Richard Marciano, University of Maryland, College Park
The Metadata Research Center is proud to present a lecture from Dr. Richard Marciano (Professor in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland and Director of the Digital Curation Innovation Center) as part of the 2019 Distinguished Speaker Series:
“Developing a Computational Framework for Library and Archival Education”
Abstract: The Digital Curation Innovation Center (DCIC) at the University of Maryland’s iSchool, along with international partners, are exploring the foundation and building blocks for an integrated library and archival educational curriculum centered on computational treatments of large complex collections. This is designed to prepare the next generation of librarians and archivists to meet the evolving needs of professionals working with digital collections. The talk will discuss the latest developments in this space, with big cultural data examples, and present opportunities for collaboration.
Wednesday, February 13: LOVE Data Week….
Time: 11am-1pm
George D. Behrakis Grand Hall – North
Creese Student Center
3210 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Presenter: Dr. Fran Berman
The Metadata Research Center and Women in Computing Initiative are co-sponsoring the CCI Distinguished Speaker Series guest for LOVE Data week, 2019. This year’s speaker is computer scientist Dr. Francine Berman, who will be discussing the challenges and opportunities in developing the Internet of Things (IoT).
More information here.
More Winter 2019 Mixer Schedule Forthcoming!
Past Mixers:
Fall, 2018
Thursday, October 18:
Time: 12-1pm
Location: Rush 137
Presenters: MRC Graduate Student Lightning Talks (all slides)
- Kai Li: “Understanding Research Methods (through Software) in Scientific Texts” (slides)
- Adam Johs: “Explanatory Dialogues for Systematic Literature Review Creation” (slides)
- Sam Grabus: “Indexing the Data Set of 19th Century Knowledge” (slides)
- Hanieh Razzaghi: “Metadata Construction in Collaborative Research Networks” (slides)
- Jeremy Leipzig: “Data as a Dependency” (slides)
- Deborah Garwood: “Information Practices on Interdisciplinary Research Projects” (slides)
Spring 2018
Wednesday, June 6: OCLC Data Science Initiatives
Jean Godby, Ph.D, Senior Research Scientist, OCLC
Location: Rush, 213
Title: OCLC Data Science Initiatives
Presentation: [slides]
Bio: Jean Godby is a Senior Research Scientist at OCLC. She has spent over twenty-five years exploring data-oriented research interests in library metadata standards, schema mapping and transformation, exchange between libraries and publishers, knowledge discovery, and new models of resource description. Jean currently leads a team of researchers and engineers on projects featuring data science and linked data. Jean has a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Ohio State University.
Current activities:
Abstract: Data Science Research and Development at OCLC. This presentation will survey projects now underway that use data-science solutions to address users’ perceptions that library metadata is noisy, redundant, and not entirely fit for purpose. Data quality has always been a research interest at OCLC. But in today’s environment, this work is more urgent because it is being conducted as library resource description is undergoing a generational change.
Tuesday, May 15: Metadata structures and standards for podcasts and electronic record management
Presenter: Jacob Kramer-Duffield
Title: Podcasts and Political Economy – Metadata Structures and Markets
Bio: Jacob Kramer-Duffield, Ph.D., has worked on digital analytics and audience research for several of the largest podcast producers and distributors, including Panoply and New York Public Radio. He has a background in social media research, receiving his doctorate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Science in 2010, where his dissertation focused on the beliefs and uses of tagging among students, and the segregation of communications by channel and audience. He lives in Brooklyn and spends spare hours cooking and birding. Jacob is also an Adjunct Professor at CCI/Drexel and a research affiliate at the Metadata Research Center, Drexel University.
Presenter: Deborah Garwood
Title: What is so interesting about ISO-15489-1:2016: A standard for research data sets in the networked environment
Bio: Deborah Garwood is a second-year PhD student in the Department of Information Science at Drexel University. An affiliate of Drexel’s Metadata Research Center, she is also a Research Assistant whose interests center on Digital Curation and Metadata. Her work (co-authored with advisor Alex Poole) has been published recently in The Journal of Documentation and The International Journal of Information Management.
Abstract: The use of standards confers credibility and professionalism. Despite the rise of research data sets and the NSF mandate for open access in 2011, a standard created in 2001 for the data sets of electronic business records remained unchanged for 15 years. Updated in 2016, ISO 15489-1:2016 now provides internationally endorsed guidelines useful for data management practices.
Tuesday, May 1: Data Citation Metadata Elements
Megan Force, Editor, Clarivate Analytics
Location: Rush, 213
Title: Data Citation Metadata Elements
Bio: Megan Force, Editor, Clarivate Analaytics, is responsible for content selection in the Data Citation Index, a scholarly research database on the Web of Science platform. She liaises with research data repositories to build citable bibliographic records for data objects of interest to the academic community. She is a member of the Research Data Alliance Data Citation Working Group and a NISO representative for Clarivate. She has a background in Astrophysics research, and specializes in Physical Science data and research.
Abstract: As researcher requirements for data deposition and citation increase, data citation accuracy presents an emergent bibliometric challenge. Significant differences between digital research objects and other more traditional forms of scholarly output are leading to new interpretations of citation metadata elements such as author, publisher, version, and date of publication.
White paper and presentation slides available here: Paper, Slides
Winter, 2018
Tuesday January 16: Metadata and data R&D highlights from MRC (Metadata Research Center) researchers’ travels
Welcome, and around-the-room
Lightning talks:
Jeremy Leipzig, Senior Scientist at Cytovas LLC, CCI Ph.D. student, new directions for RCR – reproducible computational research (“Computational Pipelines and Workflows in Bioinformatics”)
Highlights from the 11th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research, Tallinn University, Estonia: Amy Opalek, Information Scientist at FAIMER, Doctoral candidate, “The Representation of Agents as Resources for the Purpose of Professional Regulation and Global Health Workforce Planning;” and Sam Grabus, Research Assistant, NSF Spoke Project, “Toward a Metadata Framework for Sharing Sensitive and Closed Data: An Analysis of Data Sharing Agreement Attributes”
Chloe Rotman, CVDI Post-grad Research Assistant, Trans-Atlantic Symposium on Public Private Partnerships for Big Data Research and Innovation and Workforce Development, Versailles, Paris, France
Deborah Garwood, Research Assistant, Digging Into Data Challenge
Also featuring doctoral students Kai Li and Adam Johs
Special commentary from Tony Hernández-Pérez,MRC Visiting Scholar; Professor, Dept. of Library and Information Science University Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), “Data sharing across the EU”
Open discussion, brief closing remarks – Jane Greenberg
Tuesday February 6: Data and Metadata: Innovative work in the area of visualization, dimensionality, and health
Tony Hernández, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Title: Curator-e: scraping and classifying research groups in Spain.
Abstract: How to get automated metadata from heterogeneous sources of websites. Discover awareness, attitudes, and practices of Spanish research teams when sharing research data in data repositories or journals require first to know which research groups are working with research data and to extract metadata from web content pages.
Andy Cohen, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel University
Title: Combining human insight and algorithmic tenacity to make compelling movies of cancer, development and aging.
Expertise: Image processing; multi-target tracking; statistical pattern recognition and machine learning; algorithmic information theory; 5-D visualization. Click here for Andy’s computational image sequence analysis page.
Full talk abstracts and bios available here.
Tuesday February 13: LOVE Data Week….
Targeted discussion topic: Challenges and opportunities sharing sensitive data: Metadata solutions and licensing considerations
Speaker: Jay Bhatt
Title: Research and Data management using Figshare (Slides)
Speakers: Sam Grabus & Jane Greenberg
Title: Challenges and opportunities sharing sensitive data: Metadata solutions and licensing considerations focusing on the NSF Spoke Project, A Licensing Model and Ecosystem for Data Sharing
Slides: Setting the Stage, Rights and Licensing Initiatives, ShareDB
Full talk abstracts are available here.
Tuesday February 27: Field Trip to Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts, University of Pennsylvania Libraries
Speaker: Dot Porter, Curator of Digital Research Services, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center, University of Pennsylvania Libraries.
Time: Tuesday February 27, 4-5 pm
Location: University of Pennsylvania Van Pelt Library, 6th floor, Room 623.
Access: Arrive 5 minutes early to sign-in at Van Pelt Library. Photo ID required.
Topic: Dot will show us up-close, very cool technologies being used to automatically read manuscripts, new automatic metadata extraction processes, and facilitate a group discussion on how libraries and archives can play a fundamental role in teaching digital humanities.
Tuesday March 8: Special Metadata Mixer: Dr. Shigeo Sugimoto visits from University of Tskuba, Japan
Speaker: Shigeo Sugimoto, Professor, Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies,
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Time: Thursday, March 8th, 1:00 PM
Location: Rush 014
Snow Date: Friday, 1:00 PM, Rush 014
Topic: Metadata research at Tsukuba – Metadata Permanence, Cultural Heritage and Pop-Culture
Abstract:This talk will overview recent research activities at Shigeo Sugimoto’s laboratory. The topics will be:
(1) Longevity of metadata mainly and a provenance description model for metadata schema.
(2) A metadata model for digital archives of cultural heritage objects, mainly from a viewpoint of South/Southeast Asia.
(3) Some projects on metadata for Japanese pop-culture contents (Manga, Anime and Game). Manga is the main topic.
Full bio available here.
CANCELED – will move to April – Tuesday March 13: NSF Center for Visualization and Decision Informatics, metadata R&D [AND more…]
Xiaohua Tony Hu, CVDI Founder, Site Director, NSF CVDI; Professor, College of Computing and Informatics, Drexel University (CCI/Drexel)
Yuan An, CVDI Site Managing Director; Associate Professor, CCI/Drexel
Jane Greenberg, CVDI coPI; Professor Site Director, NSF CVDI; Professor in the College of Computing and Informatics, Drexel University
other members to join