LEADS-4-NDP PIs, Advisory Board Members, and Outreach Collaborators

As purveyors and stewards of information, library scientists and archivists have important and growing responsibilities to actively and meaningfully participate in our data-driven world, and apply data science techniques to improve library services and operations. We are addressing this need through the LIS Education and Data Science for the National Digital Platform (LEADS-4-NDP) program, as part of the Institute of Library and Museum Services (IMLS) Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program. LEADS-4-NDP will prepare next generation LIS faculty so they may meaningfully integrate data science and LIS education. To learn more about the LEADS-4-NDP at its IMLS homepage, click here. To learn about 2018/2019’s LEADS Fellows, take a look here

For inquiries about this unique educative program, please contact the Metadata Research Center (mrc.metadata@drexel.edu), or Jane Greenberg directly.

View PR flyer.

Project PIs, Information Science Department, College of Computing and Informatics, Drexel University

  • Jane Greenberg, Alice B. Kroeger Professor, Director of the Metadata Research Center, and Associate Department Head for Graduate Affairs (Lead PI)
  • Xia Lin, Professor, and Department Head, Information Science Department (Lead PI)
  • Weimao Ke, Associate Professor (Co-PI)
  • Il-Yeol Song, Professor (Co-PI)
  • Jake Williams, Assistant Professor (Co-PI)
  • Erjia Yan, Assistant Professor (Co-PI)

Outreach Collaborators

Advisory Board Members