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Created in June 2009 by HW
- Introduction
- Introduce ourselves
- Outline our workshop
- Introduce SKOS as at the heart of HIVE
- Brief History Background of SKOS
- Important concepts in SKOS/ SKOS resources
- Brief SKOS hands-on activity
- (Break)
- HIVE Background
- How HIVE Can Help Libraries
- How to HIVE instructions
- vocabulary choice
- vocabulary preparation
- putting vocabularies in HIVE
- searching HIVE for terms
- Hands on HIVE work
- Evaluation
Notes from meeting
Q: What HIVE features do we want to show/evaluate during the January 2010 workshop?
- The ability to turn vocabularies “off” and “on” in the HIVE system.
- The ability to prioritize certain vocabulary retrieval over others.
In general, we like the current outline for the workshop. It is basic enough that it will allow flexibility. The hope is that, over time, our workshops can showcase more HIVE features and we can evaluate these features at different workshops– as they progress. Every workshop will have a different goal. We want to create a space on the HIVE wiki where workshop participants can not only access the material for their workshop, but other workshops as well. We want HIVE to be seen as open and evolving.
The activities with the HIVE systems will be both Dryad and non-Dryad related. This is because we have a service to provide to the LIS community beyond Dryad. Also, we want information professionals to see the relevance of Dryad beyond the sciences.