Exploring HIVE in Dryad

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A scenario-based exercise for the HIVE Advisory Board meeting — Sept. 2011

Advisory Board Meeting Agenda


This scenario prompts you to use the new Dryad “Automatic Metadata Extraction” feature, based on HIVE. During the scenario, you will be able to work as if you are a curator for the Dryad repository. The scenario includes:

  • Logging in to Dryad as a curator
  • Reviewing the subject keywords and scientific name information submitted by the depositor
  • Experimenting with improving the record with controlled headings from MeSH and ITIS

This scenario should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete.


The 6 steps outlined below will guide you through the scenario, screenshots are provided to illustrate each step. Please note that, although HIVE supports multiple subject heading lists, thesauri, and other vocabularies, this scenario involves the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) vocabulary for Dryad subject keywords and the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) for scientific names. We have selected these two for demonstration purposes.

  1. Open the test record for this scenario.
    • A unique record URL was sent in an email entitled “Exploring HIVE in Dryad”. If you did not receive this email, please contact Craig Willis (craig.willis@unc.edu)
  2. The record you are viewing from step #1 includes human-generated metadata (title, abstract, keywords, scientific names) mainly from the depositor.
  3. Login to Dryad as a curator (View screenshot)
    • https://datadryad.org/ (Right click to open in new tab or window)
    • A unique username and password was sent in an email entitled “Exploring HIVE in Dryad”. If you did not receive this email, please contact Craig Willis (craig.willis@unc.edu).
  4. Re-open the test record using the URL from step #1.
  5. Select the “Automatic Metadata Extraction” link from the left Context Menu (View screenshot)
  6. Please try all of the following (View screenshot)
    • Add and remove subject keywords and scientific names
    • Lookup existing subject keywords and scientific names in the associated controlled vocabulary
    • Add terms suggested by HIVE based on record metadata
    • Explore the vocabulary via HIVE by clicking on the link for a suggested term

Discussion Questions

During the HIVE Advisory Board meeting, we will take some time to discuss your experience with the system. Please consider the following 3 questions for discussion. (You can optionally provide your responses in the following survey form http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SBPTZ7C).

  • What are your overall impressions of the use of HIVE in Dryad?
  • Are there aspects that you particularly like/dislike?
  • Do you have any suggestions or recommendations for how we can improve the curator experience?