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Block 1, HIVE overview, Participant Background
Workshop overview
- Schedule
- Interactive, less structure
- Hands-on (work together)
Hive overview:
- The HIVE website (also known as hive-web) (HIVE 1) (HIVE 2) is primarily for demonstration purposes. The HIVE project is designed to be much more flexible.
- The HIVE Architecture consists of many technologies glued together to provide a framework for vocabulary services.
The structure of this workshop depends on the background of the people attending.
- What is your technical background?
- Java
- Tomcat/Webapps
- Sesame
- Lucene
- What are you most interested in getting out of this workshop?
Block 2, Using HIVE as a service
- The HIVE web application (HIVE 1) (HIVE 2)
- The HIVE REST services
- Activity: Writing code to call the hive-rs web services
Block 3, Installing and configuring HIVE services
Once you are accustomed to using HIVE as a service, you can install it on your own system. This allows more control over the vocabularies, and reduces the load on the central HIVE system.
- Downloading and installing hive-rs
- Configuration
- Structure of the configuration files
- Adding a new vocabulary, LTER
- Activity: Play with the web services that have been installed — does everything work with the new vocabulary?
Block 4, Using hive-core as a library
See sample code in the doc/sampleCode directory
The actual API classes are located in edu.unc.ils.mrc.hive.api
For example:
javac -Djava.ext.dirs=/home/hive-rs/WebRoot/WEB-INF/lib java -Djava.ext.dirs=/home/hive-rs/WebRoot/WEB-INF/lib -cp . SimpleHiveTest
Activity: Write a simple Java class that allows the user to query for a given term
Activity: Write a Java class that can read a text file and call the tagger.
- For examples, see wiki Introduction
Block 5, Understanding HIVE’s internals
- HIVE Architecture
- Details of hive-core
- General code layout
- Tracing flow of control for a simple term lookup (from command line)
- Details of hive-web
- Servlet structure and Google Web Toolkit
- Details of hive-rs
Block 6, HIVE supporting technologies
- Lucene and the structure of the Lucene index (Luke)
- Sesame and structure of the Sesame index (SPARQL, more SPARQL)
- Activity: Using SPARQL to query information from Sesame
- Details of KEA and automatic processing
Block 7, Developing and customizing HIVE for your own needs
- Obtaining Vocabularies
- Converting vocabularies to SKOS
- LTER sample services
- Pro/con discussion: hive-rs vs. hive-core library vs. hive-web
- Brainstorm applications that can benefit from HIVE, discuss how they might be implemented