Employment Opportunities

Seeking HCI/UX students to modernize YAMZ vocabulary builder

Project Title: YAMZ Crowdsourced Vocabulary Builder: HCI Refresh
Seeking: undergrad
Opportunity Type: volunteer
Time commitment: 10-15 hours per week
Application Deadline: Friday Dec 20, 2025


This project (at the Metadata Research Center) is looking for students with HCI skills to help us modernize the UX of a crowdsourced, domain-agnostic online vocabulary building tool that is 10 years old and has important application into digital preservation and cross-domain metadata standards. Located at yamz.net, the YAMZ tool runs in the Drexel IT cloud over a stack consisting of Ubuntu, Python, Postgres, Flask, and Bootstrap. We are looking for someone to work with our users to help us generally to modernize the look and feel of YAMZ, improve browsing and searching, and add new functionality, such as predictive typing, term versioning, inter-term linking, and the ability to add visual examples rather than just text. If you are interested please contact mrk335@drexel.edu. We are also looking for a YAMZ software engineer.

News & Events

John Kunze presents at DCMI 2024 on ARK persistent identifiers and the YAMZ metadictionary

At the annual DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative) 2024 conference this month, Senior Research Associate, John Kunze, gave a tutorial on ARKs (Archival Resource Keys). It included an in-depth case study of YAMZ (Yet Another Metadata Zoo), which helps build consensus on terminology using ARKs as persistent identifiers for vocabulary terms and Linked Data concepts.

John Kunze presenting the ARK (Archival Resource Key) Tutorial at the DCMI 2024 Conference in Toronto

The presentation slides are available below.

News & Events

Summer 2024 NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Opportunities at the MRC

Virtual (or in person) National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduate research opportunity @ the Metadata Research Center, Drexel University, as part of the Harnessing (HDR) Institute for Data Driven Dynamical Design (ID4)

Dates: Mid-June through Mid-September 
(Flexibility with start date, and opportunity to continue work over Fall ‘24 term.) 

REU stipend: $5,500

Deadline: Rolling basis (Friday, June 1st for first consideration)

Contacts: Interested applicants, please send a resume and brief statement of interest (1 paragraph) indicating why you would like to participate in the REU program. Please send your application to:

REU Project title: Materials Science Vocabulary Building: Establishing a YAMZ Portal

Project overview and description: Agreement on terminology is critical for human and machine communication supporting scientific research. Additionally, shared vocabulary provides a necessary foundation of data and metadata standards, as well as the basis for labels in machine learning pipelines. This REU project will develop and enhance YAMZ.net by creating a domain-specific portal for materials science and exploring AI integration. YAMZ is a general purpose crowdsourced, online dictionary using reputation-based voting to support community discussion and consensus. Project REUs will:

  • Develop and test the domain specific portal in the materials science subdomain
  • Explore and pilot integrating ChatGPT for drawing in definitions
  • Document project procedures to enable a generalizable model that can, on demand, present users with a constrained view (or portal) restricted just to terms from the materials science subdomain
  • Collaborate with project mentors and project staff on a scholarly output (e.g., conference poster, presentation, research paper)

REU applicants for this project should have

  • Exposure and instruction in at least one of the following disciplines: computer science, data science, chemistry, engineering, physics, and/or materials science
  • Interest in semantic systems (terminology/vocabulary) and their value for representation, machine learning, and AI
  • Knowledge of the value of data standards for communicating human to human, human to machine, and machine to machine 
  • Knowledge of database and data science software (SQL, Tableau, Orange, etc.)
  • Python, Flask or similar web framework, or other coding experience

Applicant restrictions

  • Must be a non-Drexel undergraduate (not graduated)
  • May work remotely or onsite
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States or its possessions

Research Goals

  • Advance YAMZ.net features supporting domain specific portals (e.g., tagging, group ownership of terms and portals).
  • Explore and pilot AI integration into YAMZ.net.
  • Develop ways for domain-specific communities to be mostly self-sufficient in creating and managing portals.

Learning Goals

  • Gain R&D experience with a working online dictionary, and understand tradeoffs between domain-agnostic and domain-specific portals
  • Advance semantic research and data science/computer science skills
  • Obtain a better understanding of the complexity of questions surrounding terminology agreement and its importance for scientific communication and research