This summer, the MRC hosted three NSF REUs.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Jones, Northeastern University (Project: AI-ready data: Knowledge Extraction from Laboratory Notebooks). Lizzie pursued document segmentation, optical character recognition, and text tokenization to extract research protocols and results from digitized lab notebooks produced by members of the Reticular Synthesis Laboratory led by Fernando Uribe-Romo, University of Central Florida. Project aim: To make archival laboratory notebook data AI-ready. (Mentors include Drexel Joel Pepper, David Breen, and Jane Greenberg.)
Robert Sammarco, Drexel University(Project: Developing YAMZ (Yet Another Metadata Zoo) for Materials Science Terminology). Robert extended the YAMZ foundation, and developed a materials science terminology portal. Project aim: To achieve better data interoperability, support the FAIR data principles, and help materials scientists better communicate with-in and across subdomains. (Mentors: Christopher Rauch, John Kunze, and Mat Kelly)
Rob Fleur, University of Michigan (Project: Knowledge Graph Implementation for Materials Science). Rob worked on automatic knowledge graph generation, drawing from an extensive collection of materials science research literature. Project aim: To help researchers more expediently extract knowledge from research literature. Rob will continue his work over September 2024. (Mentor: Alex Kalinowski)
Lizzie and Robert S. also participated in the ID4 REU end-of-summer event at Northwestern University in August 2024, and they each presented posters on their work. Kudos to all our REUs and their awesome accomplishments!
*all ID4 mentors are affiliated with Drexel’s MRC