
John Kunze’s JCDL 2023 Presentation Highlights ARKs and YAMZ

John Kunze’s tutorial on ARKs (Archival Resource Keys) delivered at JCDL and his work on YAMZ was mentioned prominently in Lesley Frew’s blogpost at the Web Science and Digital Libraries Group at Old Dominion University, “”Up and running with ARK persistable identifiers” JCDL Tutorial Trip Report.” ARK persistent identifiers form one of the primary features of the YAMZ application and help ensure continuity of terminology.

News & Events

Jane Greenberg Receives ASIS&T Research in Information Science Award

The Metadata Reasearch Center congratulates Jane Greenberg, its Director and Founder, for receiving the Association for Information Science & Technology’s (ASIS&T) 2023 Research in Information Science Award. The award “recognizes an individual or team who has made an outstanding contribution to information science research. The award is for a systematic “program of research” in a single area at a level beyond the single study.” ASIS&T recognized Dr. Greenberg’s wide-ranging contributions, including her current positions as principal investigator on the Metadata Capital Initiative (MetaDataCAPT’L) and the NSF-funded Institute for Data Driven Dynamical Design (ID4), and the IMLS-funded project LEADING (LIS Education and Data Science Integrated Network Group). The award committee also singled out her work with the Biology-guided Neural Network (BGNN) project and the Helping Interdisciplinary Vocabulary Engineering (HIVE) tool. Please click here for the full press release from ASIS&T, “Jane Greenberg Receives Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Research in Information Science Award.”