This summer the Metadata Research Center, College of Computing & Informatics, hosted two NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) as a partner in the Institute for Data Driven Dynamical Design (ID4). The ID4 REU interlinked with Drexel’s Smart Manufacturing REU (SMREU), which is focused on the application of computational methods and automation to support smart manufacturing and productivity and supply chains. ID4 connects to SMREU through the use of computational methods to accelerate the discovery of new materials.

This summer’s REU’s included David Venator, Materials Science and Engineering major from Northwestern University, and Elijah Kellner Materials Chemistry major from Winona State University. The REUs collaborated on two projects: Automated Identification of Metal-Organic Framework Synthesis Information and Exploring Faceted Ontologies for the Indexing of Materials Science Literature.

The REU’s were mentored by MRC doctoral students Xintong Zhao and Scott McClellan. On Thursday, August 11th, the REU’s presented their work at a poster session in the Bossone Research Center.