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Jeremy Leipzig and Jane Greenberg publish on metadata standards for reproducible computational research

Congratulations to MRC’s Jeremy Leipzig and Jane Greenberg, along with collaborators Daniel Nüst, Charles Hoyt, and Karthik Ram, on their hot-off-the-press publication in Patterns, titled “The role of metadata in reproducible computational research.” The paper reviews metadata standards that are relevant to reproducible computational research, including input data, tools, reports, pipelines, and publications. This extensive study serves to highlight the significance of metadata for reproducible computational research (RCR), the metadata infrastructure that’s available, and has implications for improving RCR across multiple disciplines.

Leipzig, J., Nüst, D., Hoyt, C. T., Ram, K., & Greenberg, J. (2021). The role of metadata in reproducible computational research. Patterns, 2(9).