On August 5th, Xintong Zhao, CCI/Drexel University, doctoral student and MRC research assistant (RA), presented her research at the ACM/JCDL 2020 (Association of Computing Machinery/Joint Conference on Digital Libraries) workshop, “Organizing Big Data, Information, and Knowledge.”

Zhao’s presentation, “Scholarly Big Data: Computational Approaches to Semantic Labeling in Materials Science,” is from research she is conducting in collaboration with team members: the NSF supported Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) initiative, Accelerating the Discovery of Electronic Materials through Human-Computer Active Search. Zhao’s research examines computation and semantic labeling for scholarly big data in materials science. She reported on a baseline comparative analysis she led, comparing the ontology-based automatic indexing with the Helping Interdisciplinary Vocabulary Engineering (HIVE-4-MAT) application and the MATScholar system, which uses named entity recognition (NER), supported by an RNN (Recursive Neural Network). [presentation slides]