MRC doctoral student Sonia Pascua presented her research at the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative conference (DCMI 2019) in Seoul, South Korea, on September 23rd, 2019. Sonia presented a short paper co-authored with MRC’s Kai Li, titled “Toward A Metadata Activity Matrix: Conceptualizing and Grounding the Research Life-cycle and Metadata Connections.”

Sonia also presented at the Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS 2019) Workshop at the National Library of Korea, Seoul, South Korea on September 25th, 2019. Sonia presented a long paper co-authored with Jane Greenberg, Peter Logan, and Joan Boone, entitled “SKOS of the 1910 Library of Congress Subject Heading for the Transformation of the Keywords to Controlled Vocabulary of the Nineteenth-Century Encyclopedia Britannica.” Sonia’s NKOS presentation slides may be viewed here.