What:Open session of INLS-520 Organizing Information
Who: Jane Smith, SILS graduate student, Metadata Research Center research assistant
When: Feb 13, 12:30-1:30 PM
Where: Undergraduate Library, Room 204
Presentation: Toward linked data: the Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus
Jane Smith, Metadata Research Center research assistant and accomplished artist/opera singer, recently completed an internship with the Policy and Standards Division at the Library of Congress. Her work included integral steps for transforming the Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus (LCMPT) to SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System). The LCMPT is a joint Library of Congress and Music Library Association project used to represent and retrieve music by medium of performance for musical works, as represented in individual music resources. Ms. Smith’s work is important for RDA: Resource Description and Access and linked data developments. The LCMPT project will be published on the Web and will be compatible with Semantic Web standards.