This year’s distinguished guest is Matt Jones, Director of Informatics Research and Development, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Presentation: Beyond discovery: Using Metadata to Drive Scientific Data Integration and Analysis
Date/time/place: November 30, 2009, 2:00-3:15, UNC Campus, Undergraduate Library, Room 205
Biographical Note: Matthew Jones is the Director of Informatics Research and Development at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at UC Santa Barbara. His research addresses the management, integration, analysis, and modeling of heterogeneous data. Recent projects have produced effective new techniques for information management and analysis. Jones co-founded the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB), a long-term data archive of environmental data sets. He contributed to the creation and ratification of the Ecological Metadata Language and the Biological Data Profile metadata standards. Recent projects focus on Kepler, an open-source scientific workflow system that Jones co-founded with other researchers; DataONE, a global data repository aimed to promote access to data about life on earth and the environment; and SONet, an effort to achieve environmental data interoperability through semantic modeling of scientific observations. Jones has a B.A. degree in ecology from Dartmouth College, and a M.S. in Zoology from the University of Florida.